Tuesday, October 19, 2010

pictureOfTheMoment updated & later post

salaam & good day all

just get back from doing some groceries shopping and the bank, my other half deposited some money in the fear that both of us will spend them all on makan2..hahaha. as per the entry title suggest, pictureOfTheMoment had been updated from my lil girl Ain Sofia > 1 year old photo to this photo

this is what we (me & my wife) will first see when we come out from the apartment that we are currently staying in. to be exact, this is how the right sided of the view looks like.

a few things that later I'd like to write about today.

1. Arsenal performances against Birmingham short review
2. early preview for the upcoming match tomorrow early morning and Arsenal related news
3. Kedah also playing tonight, Malaysia Cup semi final

will do the writing a bit later on. now off to kitchen for me. nope, not cooking today but helping (albeit only in potong2 bawang..hehehe) my other half in making laksa..yummy

till then, ciao.

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