salaam all
i am a movie man. i love watching movie and talk about the movie. i love giving movie reviews for those movies that i had watched. during my uni years, i watched movie every week, at 1 time up to 5 movies a week. aahhh...the good old days when i don't have to think how to answer to every business user 'important' question.
but that was the good old times. now, i hardly have time to watch movies even once a week. there's always things to do. always plan to watch a movie during weekend, but always couldn't do it. am going to change that. i will watch movie at least twice in a month, if possible once every week. will start this tomorrow. the question for now however is, which movie i'll be watching tomorrow?
being a horror movie fans that i am, i had narrowed down my choice to 'Susuk' and '4bia'. so which 1 i should watch tomorrow (or should i say today, now already 3.44 am..heh)?
Susuk is a Malay movie about the usage of susuk in the entertainment world, generally to be successful in the said area. in another word, these actresses use susuk to make themselves look irresistible to fans and producer. main cast in this movie that i can recall is Diana Rafar, Ida Nerina (she seems to be in a lot Malay horror movies), Adlin Aman Ramli and surprisingly (in a good way that is) Sofea Jane. i watched the making of Susuk 1 night last month when i was alone at my home and it did give me the creep after that.
4bia is a Thai horror movie which i come to know only last Tuesday as i was browsing through the GSC website, originally to book a ticket for Susuk show last Wednesday which i end up did not go. 4bia consist of 4 horror stories, which bring the pun '4bia' in the movie title obviously. reading through the sinopsis in the GSC website and it seems to be really interesting. interesting enough to make me research a little bit about this movie on the net. and i even refrain myself from reading the detailed review i found on the net about 4bia. i don't know what it is about Thai movie in general, most of them generally did not failed me and my expectation
so which movie i'll choose? i don't know. will only decide tomorrow morning when i want to book the ticket for the movie. whichever 1 it is, i don't think i'm going to be disappointed :-)
1 comment:
hmmm takut tak? hihihihihi
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