been a hectic and busy day at work today. very very tiring. however, i did received a nice surprise today. went to Setiawangsa during lunch time to see kak Liza to pick up stuffs my baby sent back home through kak Liza. i think it weight aroung 5 kg the whole things..haha. no wonder my baby warned me a few times before about it. well, i should have listened to my baby more after this i guess
reach office and went through all the stuffs (in a Casa Impian big paper bag btw..ha!) while watched by my sis at the office; Jane Leong. there's a package for baby Sarah, then for baby Afda and baby Haziq, then for baby Fahim hmm..sitting there and laughing with sis as i said 'there's nothing for me sis. am i a postman?', jokingly of course. then just i went through the last package, and the biggest one should i add i saw a writing on the package. it is 'I Luv U' :-) straightaway i knew that's the package for me
went back to my house around 7.30. reached home and straightaway open my package in front of my baby, who's been very excited about the package ever since kak Liza came back to Malaysia. surprise!! another early birthday present. and i got 3 presents overall from my dearest baby. i love u the most dear :-)
the 2nd present. tenkiuuuuuuuuuu dear
my 3rd present rupa2nya :-)
bahan2 bukti..kekekek
thanks sayang. i love u more and more everyday. now concentrate fully on finishing your Master and faster come back home to me
halluuu.. glad to hear that u love the gifts.... worked hard to get the stuffs really... but they were not met my expectation... time kay, kita g carik kt butik dia..hih... (^-^)
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