Friday, January 28, 2011

Konversasi (boleh tak?) dengan Ain

Salam & good day all.

Sebaik saja keluar dari Bahagian Urology minggu lepas, telefonku berbunyi. Oh! Abah ropa2nya. Selepas bercakap2 sedikit dengan abah pasai sakit aku, dok dengaq sora Ain baek punya kat belakang kata nak cakap dengan Ngah Jun. so bercakap la dengan dia

Ain : Ngah Jun sakit apa?
Aku : hmm (sambil berfikir nak jawab apa nak bagi budak ni faham)… perut Ngah Jun ada batu
Ain : hah! Pasaipa Ngah Jun makan batu?
Aku : wahahahaha…mana ada Ngah Jun makan batu
Ain : abeh tu, pasaipa ada batu dalam perut?
Aku : (alamak! apa aku nak jawab kat dia ni?) oh, batu tu ada sebab penyakit
Ain : hmm…Ain ingat Ngah Jun ni, Ngah Jun ingat Ain dak?
Aku : ingat, mesti la Ngah Jun ingat Ain
Ain : kalau ingat pasaipa tak balik kampong jumpa Ain?
Aku : Ngah Jun kerja. Nanti Ngah Jun balik OK.

Ya, nanti Ngah Jun balik OK Ain. Esok pagi Ngah Jun ngan Ngah Lin bertolak. Ain tunggu tau kat rumah

Harap2 tak jam la esok. Sakit pinggang aku kalau jam weh.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yet another reminder to me from Allah

Salam & good day all.

Today I received yet another reminder from Allah. A reminder that our life here in His world is just temporary. A reminder on our purpose being put here in His world. A reminder that I am very thankful of being given to me in this stage of my life.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,

Ampunilah segala dosaku dan keluargaku.
Terimalah segala amal dan ibadat kami.
Pandulah diri kami ke arah jalan yang kau redhai.
Hindarilah diri kami dari kemudaratan.
Dan kau panjangkanlah umur kami supaya kami dapat beribadat dengan lebih banyak kepada-Mu ya Allah.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Experiences, we have a new 1 everyday

Salam & good day all.

Been back in Malaysia for a while now, close to 2 months to be more precise. While I was a penganggur when I was at Melbourne, I was also a penganggur here in my mother land for a little bit more than 1 month until I’d a job offer at my current workplace. Thank you to Mr. Wahab for helping me with this, very much appreciated.

I’ve experienced a lot of things during my tenure as a successful(ha!) penganggur. Some experiences were good, some were bad and some were just downright terrible.

I’ve experienced you can always turn to your family in whatever situation. They may not agree with you, but you know whatever they do it is because their love to you.

I’ve experienced true friends will stay true friends doesn’t matter what the situation is. In most cases, bad situation will only strengthen the friendship.

I’ve experienced when money involves, man will show their true colors.

Furthermore, I’ve experienced both ‘colors’ regarding the above.

I’ve experienced that hypocrisy is just part of the business.

I’ve experienced the excitement of knowing you’ll become a father in several months (6 to be exact from now).

I’ve experienced that baby is serious money, in more way than 1 (the experiences I meant).

I’ve experienced how important is money management, more so when you are about to form a family of your own.

And here I am, still breathing in Allah world Alhamdulillah. Hopefully I’ll make good use of all those experiences to prepare myself and my family in this world. Amin.

I’ll end this post with a shot of my new workplace. Other than the food here is so damn expensive, I have no other complain so far..hehehe
